Miss Pym and a Friend

Miss Pym and a Friend

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A Male Expert for the Advancement of Women—Really!!!

A Male Expert for the Advancement of Women—Really!!!


I was listening to the news when an ad came on for an upcoming event.  It was a women’s event, held every year by a local group.   One man and two women will be speaking. I have to ponder this title.  Not since Hypatia put out an issue called “The Male Lesbian “have I been so confused.


Apparently, there is a gentleman promoting himself, which many articles I found on Google claim men do, by saying the holds the key to teaching other men on how to advance women.


Yes, I did Google “male expert for advancement of women.” About half way down, I found this man’s name.  I won’t print it here; you can look it up for yourself.  I’ve pissed of enough men in my lifetime.  I don’t care to listen to any more insecure whining.


So, how does a man do this?—Listen, Learn, Lead.  This last task assumes that the “man” is the leader or manager.  What are women who are managers supposed to? Find a male supervisor to “lead them?” Anyone wanting more tips on how to be lead, go to marc.org, which stands for Men Advocating Real Change.


I don’t think so


The tone of this article was patronizing and condescending.  I learned to listen, learn, and yes, lead, in grade school.  We weren’t considered progressive, either.  We just treated each other equally for the most part, barring one nasty old harridan who taught third grade nad used shout on the play ground “Boys play with boys, and girls play with girls!!”


The whole idea reminds me of a “forced entertainment” seminar at my old employer, done many years ago.  The presenters were women who worked for the company.  They told use we should wear hair, and dress in a feminine manner, not be loud or crude, and always make the men you work with feel that they know a little more than you do. 


That knocked the Revolution back a few decades.  The seminar was held in 2005 or so, but might have been 1955.  Never did The Female Eunuch, or The Feminine Mystique run truer.


These are my opinions, but why do I need a man to mentor or sponsor me? Isn’t that what a pimp does?   It’s as though this article is an admission that the work place is still the old boys network housed under a glass ceiling, even if some think the ceiling is higher.


I’ve been complimented with comments like, “she’s’ a girl, and she’s smart.”  Why can’ I just e smart?


Does being male make someone inherently better at mentoring or leading or sponsoring? I think not.  Nearly all the other articles I found with these key words talked about gender equality, and many talked about the pitfalls many women still face in every job and industry. I have to wonder when this nonsense is going to end.


Image result for the female eunuch public domainPublic Domain Image

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