Miss Pym and a Friend

Miss Pym and a Friend

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Selected Sources Pym and Bronte

Recommended books and Materials on Brontë and Pym

Charlotte Brontë:
Primary texts:
Brontë, Charlotte:
Bronte, Charlotte, and Another Lady. Emma.New York: Bantam Books, 1980.
---,Jane Eyre: The Graphic Novel. Towcester, UK: Classical Commics, LTD., 2008.
---. The Illusgrated Jane Eyre. Illustrated by Dame Darcy. New York: Penguin, 2006.
Jane Eyre
The Professor.

Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights in Greek. Athens: Ekodotes Press, 1967.
Inspired by Novels:
Brontë, Charlotte, and Sherri Browning Erwin. Jane Slayere: The Literary Classic with a Blood-Sucking
Twist. NY: Gallery Books, 2010.
Rhys, Jean. Wide Sargasso Sea. New York: W.W. Norton, 1966.
Tennant, Emma. . Adѐle: Jane Eyre’s Hidden Story. Waterville, ME: Thorndike Press, 2002.
---. Thornfield Hall: New York: Harper, 2002.
Thomas, D.M. Charlotte: The Final Journey of Jane Eyre. London: Duck Editions, 2000.
Secondary and Critical Sources:
Berg, Maggie. Jane Eyre; Portrait of a Life. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1997.
Blackburn, Ruth A. Monarch Notes Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre. New York: Simon and Shuster – Macmillan, 1997.
Bloom, Harold, Ed. Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre. New York: Bloom’s Literary
Critcism-Infobase Publishing, 2007.
Carey, Gary, Ed. Cliff Notes on Brontë’s Jane Eyre. Cliff Notes, Inc., 1994.
Karson, Jill, Ed. Readings on Jane Eyre. San Diego: The Greenhaven Press, 2000.
Lenckos, Frauke, and Ellen Miller, eds. All This Reading: The Literary World of Barbara Pym. Madison: Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2003.
Phillips, Brian. Jane Eyre. New York: Spark Publishing, 2002.
Prescott, Joseph. “Jane Eyre: A Romantic Exemplum with a Difference.” In Twelve Original Essays on Great English Novels. Ed. Charles Shapiro. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Pp. 87-1-2.
Seelye, John. Jane Eyre’s American Daughters. Cranberry, NJ: Associated University Press, 2005.
Teachman, Debra. Understanding Jane Eyre. Westport, CT: The Greenwood Press, 2001.
Barbara Pym:
Primary sources:
Pym, Barbara.
---. A Few Green Leaves. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1980.
---. A Glass of Blessings. 1958. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1986.
---. An Academic Question. 1986. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1987.
---. An Unsuitable Attachment. Lancaster, UK: 1982. Moyer Bell, 2008.
---. A Very Private Eye.
---. Civil to Strangers. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1987.
---. Crampton Hodnet. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1985.
---. Excellent Women. 1952. New York: Penguin Books, 1005.
---. Jane and Prudence. London: Moyer Bell, 1999.
---. Less than Angels.
---. No Fond Return o f Love. 1961. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1986.
---. Quarter in Autumn. New York: Penguin, 1977.
---. Some Tame Gazelle. 1950. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1984.
---. The Sweet Dove Died. London: Moyer Bell, 2002.
Secondary sources:
Benet, Diana. Something to Love. Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 1986.
Burckhardt, Charles. The Pleasure of Miss Pym. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1987.
Cotsell, Michael. Barbara Pym. New York: St. Martins, 1989.
Holt, Hazel. A Lot to Ask: A Life of Barbara Pym. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1991.
Nardin, Jane. Barbara Pym. Boston: Twayne-G.K. Hall, 1985.
Salwak, Dale, Ed. The Life and Work of Barbara Pym. Iowa City: The University of Iowa
Press, 1987.
Tsagaris, Ellen M. The Subversion of Romance in the Novels of Barbara Pym.
Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1998.

Of Interest:
Battestin, Martin. Moral Basis of Fielding’s Art. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1959,
Berry, Wendell. Leavings. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2010.
Little, Judy. Keats as a Narrative Poet. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1975,

Internet Sources/ Pym:
An Excellent Woman: A Barbara Pym Homepage. http://www.spore.it/pym/home_english.htm
The Barbara Pym Society. http://www.barbara-pym.org/
Bell, Hazel. The Writings of Barbara Pym, An Index. http://www.spore.it/pym/BPwritings_index.htm
Bibliography of Pym Works at Fantastic Fiction. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/p/barbara-pym/
Bodleian Library Catalogue of the Pym Papers. http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/online/modern/pym/pym.html#pym.A
I’veBeenReadingLatelyBarbaraPym Blog. http://ivebeenreadinglately.blogspot.com/2010/12/barbara-pym.html
The Novels of Barbara Pym. http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2008/apr/05/featuresreviews.guardianreview30
Penguin Reading Guides/Excellent Women/Barbara Pym. http://us.penguingroup.com/static/rguides/us/excellent_women.html
Spore, Claudia. Pym Bibliography: Barbara Pym Homepage. http://www.spore.it/pym/bibliography.htm

1. Barbara Pym's papers include the manuscripts of published and unpublished novels and short stories, literary papers, notebooks, diaries and correspondence. ...
Introduction - A.1 Papers relating to ... - A.2 Literary notebooks, 1948-79
www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/online/.../pym/pym.html - Cached
2. Barbara Pym
Preference will be given to papers related in some way to Crampton Hodnet. Please send a 100-150 word proposal to barbarapymsociety@gmail.com. Barbara Pym ...
www.barbara-pym.org/ - Cached - Similar
3. Barbara Pym Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com ...
Magazine article from: Papers on Language & Literature; January 1, 2003; 700+ words ...Second World War, British novelist Barbara Pym embarked on a career ...
www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Barbara_Pym.aspx - Cached - Similar
4. Barbara Pym hidden in brown paper – Telegraph Blogs
Aug 5, 2009 ... caption id="attachment_100002146" align="alignnone" width="460" caption="A detail from the Virago cover for A Glass of Blessings"][/caption] ...
blogs.telegraph.co.uk › Culture › Literature › Christopher Howse - Cached
5. Barbara Pym Society | Facebook
Barbara Pym Society Call for Papers: Proposals for papers to be presented at the August 2011 Annual General Meeting at St Hilda's College, ...
www.facebook.com/pages/Barbara-Pym-Society/326965535031 - Cached
6. Call for Papers: Barbara Pym Society Spring Conference
Jul 17, 2009 ... The 12th annual North American Conference of the Barbara Pym Society will be held on 20-21 March 2010 at Harvard University's Barker Center ...
www.h-net.org/announce/show.cgi?ID=169668 - Cached
7. Articles about Barbara Pym - New York Times
Barbara Pym News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Barbara Pym From The New York Times.
www.nytimes.com/keyword/barbara-pym - Cached - Add to iGoogle
8. "enviable detachment" of the anthropologist: Barbara Pym's ...
"enviable detachment" of the anthropologist: Barbara Pym's anthropological aesthetic, The from Papers on Language and Literature provided by Find Articles ...
findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3708/is.../ai_n9218650/ - Cached - Similar
9. Barbara Pym: writing a life - Google Books Result
Orphia Jane Allen - 1994 - Biography & Autobiography - 261 pages
19See Janice Rossen, The World of Barbara Pym, 67-68; Long Barbara Pym, 159-; ... 'The Pym Papers," for an overview and discussion of the papers and their ...
10. Barbara Pym Summary - Anne M. Wyatt-Brown - Magill Book Reviews
Barbara Pym by Anne M. Wyatt. ... unpublished material among the Pym papers in the Bodleian Library), an extensive secondary bibliography, and an index. ...
The articles are almost all based on conference papers delivered to the Barbara Pym Society at conferences in recent years, with the consequent benefit of a ...
www.sassoonfellowship.org/tregolwyn/id132.html - Cached - Similar
11. The "Enviable Detachment" Of The Anthropologist: Barbara Pym's ...
by JB Fulton - 2003 - Related articles
Fisichelli, Glynn-Ellen. "The Novelist as Anthropologist--Barbara Pym's Fiction: Fieldwork Done at Home." Papers on Language Literature 24 (1988): 436-445. ...
12. References & Links | Barbara Pym | LibraryThing
4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: May 13, 2010
Barbara Pym Walking Tour - Ellen Miller (N.B. This is a large (9.7Mb) pdf file). Barbara Pym Conference Papers, April 2008. ...
www.librarything.com/topic/74840 - Cached
13. Comparing Jane Austen and Barbara Pym: Female British Novelists ...
Aug 11, 2009 ... Barbara Pym and her sister Hilary shared a house together, and one can imagine them having tea, reading papers and magazines, doing sewing ...
www.suite101.com/.../comparing-jane-austen-and-barbara-pym-a138209 - Cached
14. Article: Philip Larkin's 'Aubade' and Barbara Pym's 'A Glass of ...
Dec 1, 1993 ... The "enviable detachment" of the anthropologist: Barbara Pym's... Magazine article from: Papers on Language & Literature Fulton, ...
www.accessmylibrary.com/.../philip-larkin-aubade-and.html - Cached - Similar
15. Class and the Novels of Barbara Pym by Tim Burnett
2005 Selected Papers & Photos ... I picked examples of where it was significant, or where Barbara Pym had depicted the indicators of class with telling, ...
www.barbara-pym.org/burnett05.html - Cached - Similar
16. Miss Pym disposes by Alexandra Mullen - The New Criterion
A review of No Soft Incense: Barbara Pym and the Church, by Barbara Pym, ... homage to the anthropological papers delivered to obscure learned societies by ...
www.newcriterion.com/articles.cfm/miss-pym-disposes-1338 - Cached
17. Barbara Pym
by E Ardener - 1988
I read an unenthusiastic review of. Less than Angels in a London evening paper, and re- member it almost verbatim: 'Barbara Pym's established ...
18. "Always sincere, not always serious": Robert Liddell and Barbara ...
Barbara Pym met Robert Liddell at Oxford in 1933, through Henry Harvey, ... the novels of Ivy Compton-Burnett and to Stevie Smith's Novel on Yellow Paper. ...
findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0403/is.../ai_18412903/ - Cached - Similar
19. A Glass of Blessings by Barbara Pym – of quiet amusement and ...
Nov 25, 2010 ... Readers who enjoy this novel might be interested in the papers presented at the most recent North American Conference of the Barbara Pym ...
vulpeslibris.wordpress.com/.../a-glass-of-blessings-by-barbara-pym-–-of-quiet-amusement-and-kindnesses/ - Cached
I have read all of Barbara Pym's published works and I find that this is one of ... the advantage gained from seeing the papers had he been in Alan's shoes. ...
www.amazon.com › Books › Literature & Fiction › Literary - Cached
20. The first Barbara Pym biography is appropriately low-key - The ...
Papers on Language & Literature; January 1, 2003 ; 700+ words ... ... Second World War, British novelist Barbara Pym embarked on a career at the ...
www.highbeam.com › ... › April 1991 - Cached
21. BARBARA PYM - Paper Cuts Blog - NYTimes.com
Mar 17, 2008 ... Paper Cuts - A Blog About Books ... If I'm feeling kindlier, a Barbara Pym or two. Push me harder and I'll have to resort to Evelyn Waugh. ...
papercuts.blogs.nytimes.com/tag/barbara-pym/ - Cached
22. There is a Talk on the Third Program”: Barbara Pym and the ...
The Papers of Barbara Mary Crampton Pym (1913–80): Oxford: University of Oxford, Bodleian Library. Criticism and Contexts. Bliss, Kathleen. 1951. ...
www.redroom.com/.../there-a-talk-third-program”-barbara-pym-and-wireless - Cached
23. Librarians' Christian Fellowship
Most of the thirteen papers in this volume were originally presented at meetings or conferences of the Barbara Pym Society, a very active organisation based ...
www.librarianscf.org.uk/bookshelf/opinion/bell.html - Cached
24. Fans of British novelist Barbara Pym are as quirky as her books ...
Apr 24, 2007 ... The Barbara Pym Society in North America is holding its ninth annual .... more papers — one on the role of the radio in Pym's life and work, ...
www.cbc.ca/arts/books/pym.html - Cached - Similar
25. Barbara Pym: tell me more | Books | guardian.co.uk
Sep 24, 2007 ... Today's paper. The Guardian • G2 features • Comment and debate .... Barbara Pym looks like being one of those authors who will be revived every ... I love Barbara Pym's books. Ann Giles is right and it's probably best to ...
www.guardian.co.uk/books/.../2007/.../barbarapymtellmemore - Cached - Similar
26. barbara pym » Full free software rapidshare, full games for PC ...
Barbara pym rapidshare hotfile megaupload, Barbara pym full download free, .... CAE exam paper specially prepared for publication by Cambridge ESOL, ...
nova-guru.com/dl/barbara+pym.html - Cached
27. Past-Conferences - Barbara Pym
1993 Barbara Pym Literary Weekend (followed by Radio 4 broadcast, A Very Suitable ... Yvonne Cocking, Peter Lloyd (paper read), Robin Joyce, P. D. James ...
www.barbara-pym.org/Past-Conferences.html - Cached
28. Barbara Pym's Women
by MC Bradham - 1987
Barbara Pym are "papers on this interesting subject." While we laugh with Pym as she exposes, in her witty way, her characters' minor foibles and petty ...
An Academic Question by Barbara Pym. ... of Pym's men, good-looking, vain, insufferably self-absorbed--stays up working on a paper for a scholarly journal. ...
www.enotes.com/an-academic-question.../academic-question-an - Cached
29. Shelf Life: Quartet in Autumn, by Barbara Pym--a review
Aug 3, 2008 ... One of the things I like the best about Barbara Pym's writing is that it is unflinching in its portrayal of ordinary people. ...
shelflifeblog.blogspot.com/.../quartet-in-autumn-by-barbara-pym.html - Cached - Similar
30. Books: In Praise of Excellent Women - TIME
Sep 26, 1983 ... Barbara Pym 's popularity proves that old-fashioned virtues pay Her career ... well in hardback and paper editions, especially in the U.S. ...
www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,949837,00.html - Similar
31. Project MUSE - MFS Modern Fiction Studies - The Life and Work of ...
by J Rubenstein - 2009
Something to Love: Barbara Pym's Novels. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1986. 164 pp. pb. ... Janice Rossen surveys "The Pym Papers" deposited at the Bodleian, ...
32. Some Tame Gazelle by Barbara Pym
Author(s): Barbara Pym ISBN: 0-06-080713-X / 978-0-06-080713-9 (USA edition) Publisher: HarperCollins (paper) Availability: Amazon Amazon UK Amazon CA ...
www.fantasticfiction.co.uk › Authors P › Barbara Pym - Cached - Similar
33. Articles about Barbara Pym - New York Times
Barbara Pym News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Barbara Pym From The New York Times (Page 3 of 3)
www.nytimes.com/keyword/barbara-pym/3 - Cached - Add to iGoogle
34. Harriet Devine's Blog: Barbara Pym fest
Apr 27, 2007 ... I was introduced to Barbara Pym in the 1980s and read with huge pleasure ... experience so much more, as does the quality of the paper etc. ...
harrietdevine.typepad.com/harriet.../barbara_pym_fes.html - Cached - Similar
35. Pym, Barbara
Available by special arrangement with the Barbara Pym Society. ; 'The Church of ... 'No Soft Incense' draws together a number of papers which have been ...
www.anglophilebooks.net/ci_33.html - Cached
36. An Unsuitable Attachment by Barbara Pym
4 posts - 3 authors
Barbara Pym's novel is this week's Woman's Hour Drama (and next week's) - I ... Wrong thread really, but Samuel West's reading The Aspern Papers as this ...
bigreaders.myfastforum.org/.../an-unsuitable-attachment-by-barbara-pym__o_t__t_1092.html - Cached
37. Review: No Fond Return Of Love by Barbara Pym | Books | The Guardian
Jan 31, 2009 ... Today's paper. The Guardian • G2 features • Comment and debate ... Philip Larkin declared that he'd "sooner read a new Barbara Pym
Claudia Spore’s Print Copy of the Bibliography, cf. Internet Source above for her Homepage.
• Ackley, Katherine, The Novels of Barbara Pym (Garland, 1989).
• Allen, Orphia Jane, Barbara Pym : Writing a Life (Scarecrow Press, 1994)
• Benet, Diana, Something to Love: Barbara Pym's Novels (U of Missouri Press, 1986)
• Burkhart, Charles, The Pleasure of Miss Pym (U of Texas Press, 1987)
• Cooley, Mason, The Comic Art of Barbara Pym (1988)
• Cotsell, Michael. Barbara Pym (Macmillan, 1989).
• Holt, Hazel A Lot To Ask (MacMillan, 1990) Una biografia di Barbara Pym scritta dalla sua ex collega e curatrice letteraria.
• Liddell, Robert, A Mind at Ease: Barbara Pym and Her Novels (Owen, 1989) L'autore, amico della Pym fin dai tempi di Oxford, è stato una sorta di "mentore letterario" della scrittrice. La Pym gli ha dedicato A Few Green Leaves (assieme alla sorella Hilary) e, forse, Sweet Dove Died.
• Little, Judy, The Experimental Self: Dialogic Subjectivity in Woolf, Pym, and Brooke-Rose (Southern Illinois University Press, 1996)
• Long, Robert Emmet. Barbara Pym (Ungar, 1986).
• Nardiin, Jane. Barbara Pym (Twayne, 1985).
• Pym, Hilary e Wyatt, Honor, A' La Pym (Prospect Books, 1995) Curata dalla sorella di Barbara Pym e da una delle sue più vecchie amiche, è una raccolta di ricette tratte dai quaderni di cucina della scrittrice e di brani "gastronomici" presi dai romanzi. In copertina, un ritratto della gatta Minerva.
• Rossen, Janice, The World of Barbara Pym (1987)
• Rossen, Janice, ed., Independent Women : The Function of Gender in the Novels of Barbara Pym (The Harvester Press Sussex e St. Martin's Press New York 1988)
• Salwak, Dale, ed., The Life and Work of Barbara Pym (U of Iowa Press, 1987)
• Salwak, Dale, Barbara Pym: A Reference Guide (G. K. Hall, 1991)
• Snow, Lotus, One Little Room an Everywhere: The Novels of Barbara Pym (Puckerbrush, 1987)
• Tsagaris, Ellen M. The Subversion of Romance in the Novels of Barbara Pym. (Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1998)
• Weld, Annette, Barbara Pym and the Novel of Manners (St. Martin's Press, 1992)
• Wyatt-Brown, Anne M., Barbara Pym: A Critical Biography (U of Missouri Press, 1992)

• London Review of Books, November 20-December 4, 1980.
• New York Times, May 10, 1982, January 1, 1983, August 5, 1983, June 14, 1984.
• New York Times Book Review, December 24, 1978, February 1, 1981, June 20, 1982, February 13, 1983, July 31, 1983, July 8, 1984, January 17, 1988.
• Publishers Weekly, October 12, 1984, October 4, 1985.
• Punch, October 19, 1977.
• Time, October 9, 1978, September 26, 1983, June 24, 1985.
• Times (London), February 18, 1982, July 19, 1984, June 20, 1985.
• Times Literary Supplement, March 11, 1977, July 7, 1978, July 18, 1980, February 26, 1982.

...and a suggestion from Kathy Ackley, to handle the fact that a lot was written about BP:

See Ophia Jane Allen's book, Barbara Pym: Writing a Life (Scarecrow Press, 1994), for articles about Pym. One chapter of Allen's book is a bibliographic essay on critical approaches to Barbara Pym and her novels. The book has a comprehensive bibliography of primary and secondary materials published up to 1994. Allen provides complete bibliographic information for over 120 periodical articles on Pym, 40 pages of reviews of her work, organized by book title, and 14 dissertations.

In 1991, the BBC broadcasted a BOOKMARK special entitled MISS PYM'S DAY OUT, produced and directed by James Runcie. Barbara Pym was played by Patricia Routledge.

In 1994, BBC Radio 4 broadcasted Elizabeth Proud's adaptation of SOME TAME GAZELLE, in six 30-minutes episodes. Directed by Sioned William, the cast included Miriam Marolyes (Harriet) and Harriet Gordon (Belinda).

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