Miss Pym and a Friend

Miss Pym and a Friend

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Frances Glessner Lee; A Pioneer in a Male Dominated Field

 I shared a blog post called Our Wildest Dreams about Ms. Lee, who created the Forensic Pathology Department at Harvard.  During the forties and fifties, she used her skills as a miniaturist to create doll house rooms  representing unsolved murders.  The FBI still uses these rooms, and books and films have been done about them.  The post was taken down as "inappropriate."

Boys and girls, I'd like to remind us all that The First Amendment is still in effect.  It was an act of sexism and ignorance to remove the post I shared.  It told the historic biographical tale of a woman who is still considered an institution in criminology and legal studies, who continues to inspire those of us who work in this field today.  

Spring flings - shopping fun Pym would have loved